Command #7 says, “You must not commit adultery.” Specifically it forbids breaking one’s faithful commitment to their spouse in order to gratify a sexual desire. Generally speaking it offers a strong word of warning against all sexual sin.
When Jesus addressed the issue of adultery in Matthew 5:27-30, he cut to the core issue which is lust. In those verses, Jesus linked the lust of our hearts with the focus of our eyes. In other words, your eyes become windows to the heart. What and who you look at cultivates lust in the heart, which in turn can lead toward the physical act of adultery.
By way of principle, let me simply say that you cannot be easy on your passions. We are created to be persons with desire, but unchecked desire is dangerous. Those who are ruled by their passions and desires eventually end up breaking promises.
I often think about the Old Testament story of Joseph who was confronted by his master’s wife. Joseph lived as a household slave in Potipher’s home. Because he was handsome and well-built (Genesis 39:6), Potipher’s wife pursued him (Genesis 39:7). Joseph gave Potipher’s wife three reasons why he could not give in to the woman’s solicitation: My master trusts me; you are his wife; and God sees me (Genesis 39:8-9).
Oswald Chambers once wrote that “an unguarded strength is a double weakness.” Ruthlessly keep those passions and desires in check!